Lara is a 28 year old knitwear designer from south germany. She found her love for knitting about 10 years ago during her tailoring apprenticeship which she did at a
company that is also specialised in knitwear and never wanted to do anything else from that point on. The infinite possibilities it offers for clothing is what really
caught her curious soul and made her want to dive deeper into this world of no restrictions. Being somewhat of a technical nerd she is very passionate about exploring
all the ways she can make use of her knittingmachine to create garments which clearly reflect her love for detail and material. Nevertheless knitting by hand also has a
huge place in her heart since it is a way of really getting into an intimate conversation with the yarn and developing clothes more intuitivly. After years of working
in knitwear for other brands she finally decided to focus on her own first collection which will drop on 24th september 2022. Until then stay in touch to let her love
for knitwear spread on to you